What is Menstruation?

Menstruation is known by many names – menses, period, that time of the month or even “Aunt Flo.” During menstruation, the uterine lining that was building up throughout the month sheds. This shedding of the blood and tissue from the uterus through Menstruation is just one part of a woman’s menstrual cycle. The menstrual cycle is a series of hormonal and physical changes that prepare a woman’s body for pregnancy.

What is the hymen?

The hymen is a membrane which partially closes or surrounds the external opening of the vagina and whose presence is traditionally taken to be a sign of virginity.

What is the meaning of menarche?

Menarche is the first menstrual bleeding or the first menstrual cycle in female humans. It is often considered the central event of female puberty as it signals the possibility of fertility. Menarche is a sign you are growing up and becoming a woman. Menarche also means that if you have sex, you can get pregnant.

Each time I menstruate, I get serious pains in my belly. Why is it so?

This pain you describe is referred to as menstrual cramps. Almost all women have cramps at sometime or other in her life. They may happen before or during menstrual periods and may just be a mild achy feeling, or sharp and severe pain. No one knows why women have menstrual cramps, though some say it happens because the uterus contracts rhythmically while women are having their periods to help expel the menstrual blood.

What is a “normal” Cycle?

A menstrual cycle is measured from the beginning of one menstrual period to the beginning of the next. The average menstrual cycle is about 28 days, but it can range between 21 to 45 days and still be a normal cycle. Menstrual bleeding typically lasts three to five days, although a range of two to seven days can be the norm for some women.

I’ve heard guys talk about wet dreams. What are they? Is it true that they are spiritual attacks and that one requires spiritual healing?

Most boys have wet dreams otherwise referred to as nocturnal emission. This occurs when a boy becomes sexually excited in his sleep. He has an erection and ejaculates sperm. This usually happens while he is having a sexual dream. When he wakes up in the morning, he finds that his bed is wet with a white, sticky fluid called semen. In some societies, wet dreams are associated with myths, which are not true. Wet dreams are a natural biological process through which the body releases sperm that are ready to leave the body. It is nothing to worry about and does not require any spiritual healing.

My friends say some boys are born with just one testicle. Is this be true? If yes, will a boy with only a testicle be able to have children?

Yes, it is true some boys are born with just one testicle, but this doesn’t happen often. Also, a boy or man could lose a testicle due to injury or accident. Whatever the reason for the absence or loss, the other testicle takes over the function of the missing testicle and produces enough sperm so that the man will be still able to make a woman pregnant. His sex life and everything else about him will remain completely normal.

At times, I see a whitish substance in my panties. What could be the cause, or do I have an infection?

The discharge you see is most likely the result of the natural cleansing action of your vagina. It may happen just before or after your period and you shouldn’t worry about it. If however the discharge is yellowish or greenish, foul-smelling or makes you itch, then you have an infection and should see a doctor at once.

What is the meaning of douching?

Douching is washing or cleaning out inside the vagina with water or other mixture of fluids. Douching is different from washing the outside of the vagina during a bath or shower. Rinsing the outside of the vagina with warm water will not harm the vagina.

You do not need to douche to clean inside your vagina. Your vagina is a self-cleaning organ so it can clean itself. Douching can cause an overgrowth of harmful bacteria which can lead to yeast infection or bacteria vaginosis, an infection in the vagina.

Doctors recommend that women do not douche because douching can change the necessary balance of bacteria that live in the vagina and the natural acidity in a healthy vagina.

I have this lump in my scrotum. Though it doesn’t hurt, I’m worried that it could be a sign of something serious?

Most lumps or bumps in the scrotum are the result of cysts. Cysts are collections of fluid. Some will go away by themselves, while others require surgery to remove them. Although majority of lumps in boys’ scrotum are not serious, it’s a good idea to have them checked by a doctor.

I am 21 years old but I have small breasts. Can this affect my ability to breast-feed in future?

Your breasts are made up of glands and fat tissue. The size and shape of your breasts depend mostly on the amount of fatty tissue they have. If there is a lot of fat in your breasts, they will be large, if there is little fat they will be small. Actually there is nothing you can do to make your breasts bigger, except through surgery. Heredity plays a major factor in the size and shape of your breast and body as a whole, so if your mum for example doesn’t have large breasts, you cannot expect to have one. Breast size does not affect breast-feeding in any way. Small breasts do just as good job of making breast milk as large ones, so be proud of your breasts and stop worrying about their size.