Reflection of a Mandela Washington Fellow: Social Exclusion: An Expression of Inequalities

Reflection of a Mandela Washington Fellow: Social Exclusion: An Expression of Inequalities

In the 20th century, a great educator, Paulo Freire, made a profound statement, one that points to the source of most human inequalities and injustice. He said “the greatest problem of humanity is dehumanisation.” No matter how we have defined this, denying other humans of their basic rights to education, empowerment, healthcare, shelter and a life lived to the fullest is man’s greatest limitation on humanity.

Reflection of a Mandela Washington Fellow: Are Africans Making Africa Vulnerable?

Reflection of a Mandela Washington Fellow: Are Africans Making Africa Vulnerable?

It’s been three weeks of a great learning adventure at the great Wagner College, New York. And here is one of thoughts I have had to reflect on: 'young Africans have to be more assertive about the African story that we share'. When we share our stories, it has the power to do either of two things. One is to make Africa vulnerable, susceptible to pity and in dire need of more aids. The other option is to reveal African’s potentials, diversity and strength

Marriage and Divorce

Marriage is a commitment that two people make to share their lives and family responsibilities. Traditionally, this includes loving one another, living together, raising children, helping and supporting one another, "for better or worse."

Love and Dating

Dating is when two or more people meet at a specific time or place for leisure. Dating enables people to experience companionship, get to know each other better, and could lead to a more intimate relationship.